Light Side of Health

10 Fit & Fun Christmas Traditions

My favorite time of the year has arrived, CHRISTMAS! It is a time to celebrate, give, eat drink and be merry. Below are 10 ways to incorporate a little fitness into your Christmas traditions.

  1. Bundle up and go for an after dinner Christmas lights walk.
  2. Workout to your favorite Hallmark Christmas movies. All you need is some light dumbbells and elastic bands.
  3. Meet up with some friends to do some power walking at the local mall and bring a few extra bucks to donate at Salvation Army bell ringing spots.
  4. Enjoy your favorite roasted veggies drizzled with a little balsamic glaze while watching your favorite Christmas movies.
  5. Sign up to clean up a local school, community or help put up decorations at a local foster program. The more you move, the more you burn!
  6. Go ice skating or sledding.
  7. Sign up to for a fun local Holiday Run for charity.
  8. Bake healthier versions of Christmas cookies by substituting healthier ingredients like cacao powder, truvia, gluten-free flour, and organic maple syrup.
  9. Play around with breakfast smoothies by adding peppermint, mint, or cacao nibs for a festive start to the morning.
  10. Add cinnamon, to everything. Not only is it a powerful antioxidant it makes everything taste great!

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