Light Side of Health

The 80 20 Rule: Freedom and Results

80 20 Rule

There isn’t a diet I haven’t tried! There is also no diet I have ever stuck with. Keto, paleo, strictly gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian methods have done me no favors. I have found myself overeating or whipping up desserts that no one really enjoys. So what was a gal to do? Not diet. Crazy, right? […]

Healthy Frozen & Pantry Items To Have On Hand

Life can get pretty hectic and sometimes that homemade meal for dinner may be a little out of reach. Here are some of my favorite frozen food & pantry items to have on hand when running on all cylinders and pressed for time. You can make a great meal in minutes. Also, if you have […]

10 Non-Gym Workout Ideas That Will Tone You Up in No Time

Want to tone up and get some movement in but not real wild about the gym? Here are some fun ideas that will have you toning up gym-free. Take to the hills. Find a hill near you and get in as many hill sprints as you can. Of course remember to get in a proper […]