Light Side of Health

Looking for a fun way to help spread the love in your community, check out our quick little video for some fun ideas! Check out our GROW kits, they make great gifts and come with one year of all access to…

I love growing my greens, Costco, and a low-cost yet delicious rotisserie chicken. This easy dinner takes less than 20 minutes and combines the best of your garden and market world! Garden Fresh Rotisserie Chicken 1 Rotisserie Chicken2-4 Cups Homegrown…

I used to try to attempt to make everything from scratch and all that led me to was defeat and an endless cycle of starting over again. Not to mention it sucked the fun out of every meal I would…

Review my experience with composting in an apartment, in addition to simple ways to begin composting and the value of community composts. Let us know your experience with composting in the comments below and any questions you may have. To…

Check out our GROW kits, they make great gifts and come with one year of all access to our premium nutrition, fitness, and gardening content. Have questions, drop us a comment below or email [email protected] out our GROW kits, they make great gifts…

The Holidays are here and while starting your 2024 garden may feel months away, now is a good time to start planning! Right now is a good time to stock up on seeds for what you plan on planting in…

I love Fall & the healthy food that comes with it! Some of my favorites are dishes made out of pumpkin, apple, spaghetti squash, zucchini & Brussels sprouts. Below are some of my favorites! They are relatively easy to make…

I love herbs. I love to grow them, buy them, cook with them, and use them for a number of things! Here are just a few of the benefits that come with incorporating herbs into your everyday life. Flavor Enhancement:…

No time for breakfast? No problem! Check out these 5 healthy breakfast recipes that will have you starting your day off right, in just minutes!   Greens & Berry Smoothie Ingredients A handful of frozen spinach (I like to buy…

Building a Home Gym on a Budget Getting into a fitness routine and finding time for quality workouts can be challenging and often comes at a high cost. Gym memberships often come with hefty startup costs, annual fees, or commitments,…

13 Gym Bag Must-Haves Finding time to work out isn’t easy and you might even find yourself having to squeeze in workouts whenever you can find the time. A well-packed gym bag makes gym sessions less stressful and helps you…

Shopping On A Budget One of the greatest things about cooking & preparing your own meals at home is that it actually saves you a lot of money in the long run! Healthy eating can be affordable. While eating organic…

I’m a big proponent of growing plants indoors, especially of the herbal variety. But there are more benefits to keeping plants indoors than just a pretty view or even as an addition to your favorite healthy meal if we are…

Between work, eating on the run, meetings with clients, and entertaining, staying healthy can get pretty difficult. Here's a game plan on how you can still maintain your desired healthy weight, while still enjoying a good meal on the road…

Self Care does not have to break the bank! The term “self-care” seems to be all the rage today. While I am happy that “self-care” is coming into the spotlight as it is an integral part of overall health, you…

I am all for eating organic when you can afford it. But there are times in our lives when that is not possible. Below, are a few suggestions on how you can best clean your veggies and fruits! FDA Recommendation…

I used to have serious bloating issues.  And I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong. I thought maybe it was the broccoli and Brussels sprouts. I started reading about how sugar-free and artificial sweeteners had a number…

I filmed this video last Fall for our premium section. I wanted to make this public for all. It's an important topic that covers both the benefits and pitfalls of elimination plans. Again, everyone's body is different but in this…

This was originally posted for the premium section. I wanted to make this video public for all as I feel this is an important topic that I wish more people had access to. If you would like access to our…

Take your veggies and salmon to the next level with this awesome recipe! Let us know in the comments below if you try it out or how you like to sass up your veggies! INGREDIENTS FOR THE SEARED SALMON: 2…

With the rapid increase in pricing, it looks like we all may be spending a little more time at home. Below are a number of ways you can keep your home, apartment, or small space clean, lean, and green on…

I spent most of my college years going up and down on the scale. I have experienced the pain & frustration of not achieving the desired results, especially when I felt like I was giving it my all. Not to…

I love growing Microgreens. You can grow them all year round, and it requires little space to do so. They are packed with nutrients and add so much flavor. One of my favorite hacks on busy weeknights is to heat…

I love growing microgreens. You can grow them year-round and they are so incredibly easy to grow, maintain, and harvest. Here are some of my favorite microgreen items and seed mixes! I will be getting out a demo video soon…

Low carb isn't for everyone but it does work for me. As you know I am currently trying to get under 50 grams of carbohydrates a day! Again, I recognize this method isn't for everyone but just wanted to share…

This stew is the bomb dot com and super low carb. Let us know what you think in the comments below or some of your favorite stew recipes. Not to mention, this is a super easy way to meal prep.…

Best Practices for Herbal Gardening  With winter in full force, it’s natural to start getting more green thoughts and daydreams of warmer days. One of the best ways to brighten your home, boost your health, and put your green thumb…

First and foremost, it is always recommended to consult a medical professional before beginning any supplement regimen. Attached at the end of this blog post you will find some of our favorite supplements along with recommended brands. Please feel free…

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fabulous Holiday season. With the New Year here it is a time to start fresh with a clean slate and get after our goals. While many of us have hopes and dreams…

January is around the corner and there is no better time to begin garden planning and seed starting! In January we will have our 2023 gardening planning up in our Premium Section for our patrons and will be taking questions!…

Who doesn't love tacos? They really hit the spot on a cool winter night. This would be a great dish to even think about for Christmas. I personally, love flour tortillas. Making homemade allows you to control the natural ingredients.…

It is about to be my favorite time of year! I love the Holidays and all the craziness that comes with it. Below, you will find 10 ways to keep the weight down while enjoying all the festivities. Get moving.…

We are so thankful for you all. This Holiday season, give the gift of health and hope! Holiday30, allows you to take 30% off of all purchases on our website, starting Tuesday, November 22. This is a great opportunity to…

I love pumpkin! It is loaded with Vitamin A which does wonders for the skin and immunity as well as with Vitamins C & E.  Vitamin E has even been linked to supporting eye health. I also love probiotics, especially…

My rosemary, after a lot of trial and error, is now in full bloom. I plan on bringing them in to add to the Holiday decor. Did you know Rosemary is loaded with antioxidants and does wonders for skin and…

Fall is officially here and who doesn't love Fall food?! Below is a healthier option for pumpkin cheesecake bars. They are a blast to whip up with friends. Below the recipe will you find a link to our No-Bake Low-Carb…

Great Foods That Help Prevent Illness and Build Immunity While you certainly want the foods you eat to be tasty, it’s nice when they can pull double duty and provide you with some other benefits. For example, some foods are…

We have all heard the famous motto by now "Eat, Train, Sleep, Repeat" but how much importance do we actually put into our sleep regimens? Some Olympic athletes sleep up to 10  hours a night with naps in between their training…

Disclaimer before diving into this post, ALL body types are equally awesome, and whether your desire is to bulk up or slim down, that is totally up to you. This is merely a breakdown of how to eat for optimal…

Life can be pretty chaotic! One of my favorite things about growing my own food is that if I have to add some greens or veggies to my meal I can just walk to the balcony and whip up a…

Every diet works for the most part but eventually, the will & ability to keep up with the diet wears off. The key to losing weight & keeping it off is honestly behavior modification with a shift in focus. Too…

Eating veggies and greens raw can be just as delicious as eating them roasted. Check out some of these quick no-fuss raw veggie snacks and salad ideas! Caprese Salad Slice up tomatoes and good-quality cheese. Lay the cheese on each…

Spring is in full swing and here are some ways to clean up your kitchen & nutrition! Throw Out The Junk  Want to know a good way to avoid eating junk food? Don’t buy it. Junk food is harder to eat…

Cooking simple meals has been a game-changer.  I spent my early 20s obsessing over my weight and dieting and getting nowhere. In addition, I had preconceived notions of what costs or gym memberships I would have to incur to live…

This fish dish goes great with salads and veggies. Mediterranean Mahi Mahi 2 Mahi Mahi Fish Filets 2-3 Fresh Oregano SprigsLemon JuiceExtra-Virgin OliveSea SaltCracked Pepper In a bowl, mix extra-virgin olive, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sea salt, and cracked pepper.Place…

Here is to Spring & Snacking! I put together some of my favorite healthy snacks that can be enjoyed all spring long. I hope you like them. Let me know what some of your favorite snacks recipes are in the…

Spring is almost here and that means longer days, more daylight, and warmer weather! So to get the most out of the ahead season, here are some of my favorite fitness & nutrition tips to implement this upcoming Spring! Tip…

Disclaimer before diving into this post, ALL body types are equally awesome, and whether your desire is to bulk up or slim down, that is totally up to you. This is merely a breakdown of how to eat for optimal…

Pair this hearty vegetable side with a protein or quick healthy frozen entre. Cheesy (without the cheese) Brussels Sprouts & Onion Sauté 1 Pack (Trader Joe's) Shaved Brussels Sprouts1-1.5 Onion(s)Bragg's Nutritional Yeast Extra-Virgin Olive OilAvocado Cooking SpraySea SaltCracked Pepper Chop…

Here are a few ways to sneak more greens & powerful nutrients into you and your loved one's meals: Add a handful of spinach to smoothies (I like to freeze a pack of spinach, so it is nice and cold…

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